Buying and installing the best of what technology has to offer today is simple: choose what you need and proceed with the investment. What can be less easy is to keep the systems one has equipped oneself with, which during the tourist season are often exploited to their full capacity. There is nothing worse than a sudden failure that you are unable to remedy in a reasonable time to ruin your relationship with your customer.
For ECA Technology it is essential in addition to supplying the high-quality product, to also give a range of after-sales services that can meet the demands of tourism facilities.
Speaking of air conditioning, an area in which ECA is a leader with the brand Syntek, it must be taken into account that in recent years the average quality of the air we breathe in rooms has deteriorated, and therefore systems get dirty much more easily. It is therefore necessary that, in addition to the usual pre-season maintenance, constant cleaning is carried out on the campsite. This makes it possible to avoid emergency interventions.
In contrast to the products offered by large retailers, the company also offers a service during August and the peak season: immediate intervention and spare parts within 24/48 hours are always guaranteed.
ECA Technology has just celebrated its 40th anniversary and has a spare parts stock that includes products even for machines that are more than ten years old. Those who still have equipment dating back 20 or 25 years can be satisfied with this service and at the same time can always consider replacing and upgrading it with all the latest solutions offered by the company.
When choosing technology, it is therefore always important to assess the quality of products, services and maintenance in order to have the best and most efficient service for your facility all year round.