50% and 65% Eco-bonus projects Italian Law 72/2020 – the Relaunch Decree – offers discounted invoice and credit transfer benefits, i.e. 65% or 50% tax deductions for energy requalification projects. HOW DOES IT WORK? The installer applies the 50% or 65%...
110% BONUS The Superbonus is a subsidy envisaged by the Relaunch Decree which raises the deduction rate for expenses incurred from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021 to 110%. It applies to specific interventions in the field of energy efficiency, anti-seismic...
THE THERMAL ENERGY PROGRAMME 2.0 The Thermal Energy Programme encourages the activation of projects to increase energy efficiency and the production of thermal energy from renewable sources for small systems. The beneficiaries are mainly public administrations, but...
65% TAX DEDUCTION FOR ENERGY REQUALIFICATION WHAT DOES IT ENTAIL: The facility consists of a deduction from IRPEF (personal income tax for natural persons) or IRES (corporate income tax for companies) and is granted when interventions are carried out...
FEEL PLUS+ The era of clean air has begun … start breathing clean! The entire Feel Plus+ air conditioning range offers much more than just air conditioning: Class A+++ WiFi control as standard Special clean air filters Catechin, Silver ions, Vitamin C Ecological Gas...