The Climacard system is ECA Technology’s answer to the highly topical issue of energy saving, while at the same time meeting the important objectives of environmental sustainability. It is indeed A device that can be used by guests of tourist facilities that avoids waste by preventing the operation of air conditioning systems in the absence of the user.
Specifically, Climacard is a card, inside which are recorded the time-credits necessary for the operation of the air conditioner, which is given to the guest who can air condition the mobile home or room at will by inserting it into a handy reader.
The advantages of Climacard
Climacard is an intelligent system designed to integrate and work perfectly with air-conditioners
. Efficiency is ensured by the fact that the technology used is specifically designed not to wear out the air conditioner but to preserve it over time. It is also available for all mono- and multi-split models, which, thanks to an intelligent shutdown, do not cause accidental blackouts.
The benefits of the system are many, starting with the reduction of air conditioning use by 50%.
and the resulting cost savings due to lower energy consumption. But that’s not all, thanks to Climacard, air conditioners have their service life and functionality extended by more than 50 per cent due to less usage, and consequently you will also see a reduction in costs related to maintenance and various service interventions.
A practical and real-life example of money-saving with Climacard